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Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 1 (reupload)


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This is a re-upload of the child's testimony given to the Police in the Hampstead Christ Church child abuse cover-up in England.
Link to video:

Hampstead Cover Up

Hampstead Coverup Uncovered:
"The shocking internet video revelations of child sodomy and murder committed by seemingly respectable members of the community within schools, churches and private homes in the affluent Hampstead area of London created an internet storm after going ‘viral’ on YouTube in February 2015. Millions of people on both sides of the Atlantic viewed the graphically compelling testimonies of the brother and sister Gabriel and Alisa.

These two innocent child victims were abducted by agents of the State on 9-11-2014 to prevent them revealing more details of the secretive workings of state sponsored mind control programs.

Alisa and Gabriel have been held incommunicado from their mother and Russian family since January 2015. The children’s extensive family is becoming increasingly concerned for their welfare as all attempts to arrange contact with the children are met with delays, lies, and obfuscation.

Alisa and Gabriel’s testimonies have revealed a secret network of organisations including the Social Services (SS), CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service); the Metropolitan Police, the Judiciary, legal representatives, media (most notably the BBC), Barnet and Camden Local ‘authorities’ and an array of counter intelligence operatives connected to child trafficking, snuff movies, organ trafficking, Ritual Sexual Abuse (RSA), torture & money laundering, operating in schools, nurseries, churches, hospitals, universities, and military bases throughout the U.K. and the rest of the world". (hampsteadcoverup.com)

Warning: Viewers may find this video extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

Disclaimer: Video uploaded for educational and informative purposes only.

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Es ist leider schon so:
    "Die Monströsität der Taten schützt die Täter"
    Ein normaler Mensch glaubt sowas nicht, kann sich das nicht vorstellen.
    Und doch ist es die volle Wahrheit. Ich habe Körpersprache studiert uvam.
    und kann mit Gewissheit sagen, dass die Kinder hier die volle Wahrheit sprechen.
    Der "Vater" dieser Teufel hat seinen Auftritt im Fernsehen sehr genau einstudiert.
    Alles, aber auch alles wirkt an diesem Mann unecht. Der gehört normalerweise lebenslang in eine geschlossene Psychiatrie. Todesstrafe ist zu mild für ihn. Dann sit er ja weg und hat nichts mehr davon von seiner Gefangenschaft. Oder man sperrt in in eine JVA, wo er täglich von anderen vergewaltigt wird. Selbst Schwerverbrecher können Kinderschänder und Kindsmörder nicht tolerieren.