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Horrible today: Hell on Italy | Etna volcano 2nd Eruption heats the Earth | Sicily city bury in

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Horrible today: Hell on Italy | Etna volcano 2nd Eruption heats the Earth | Sicily city bury in ash
Italy again raised its alert level to yellow due to lava emissions, earthquake shaking and the risk of the situation becoming more energetic rapidly. Mount Etna put on a spectacular show amid increased volcanic activity on the southern island of Sicily and the Stromboli volcano in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Lava bursts and tremors around Sicily's Etna volcano have raised concerns in Italy. The intensity of Mount Etna's activity is the activity of the Stromboli volcano, located on an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, southern Italy, which yesterday recorded a cloud of ash accompanied by an explosion and the release of magma.

Stromboli, from which this explosive eruption gets its name, is located in the Aeolian Islands archipelago, near Sicily, and is usually famous for its eruptions which are another tourist attraction on the island. The eruption was visible from one of its craters and lava flowed down the 3,320 meter high volcano in Sicily.

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