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Houthis shoot down $32 million US drone

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Eingetragen von HumanrightFORlegislation (Born as lawmaker) in User Videos
68 Aufrufe


Get ready for an eye-opening exploration into the high-stakes world of maritime conflict as we dissect the recent audacious attack by Yemen\'s Houthi rebels on the Rubymar, a commercial vessel sailing from the United Arab Emirates to Bulgaria. Despite the relentless efforts of the US and UK in neutralizing missile-launching sites, the Houthis have struck back with one of their most damaging assaults, forcing the crew to abandon ship.

Join us on this riveting journey as we delve deep into the heart of the Red Sea, uncovering the geopolitical implications of this bold move and examining the crew\'s harrowing escape. From the escalating tensions to the global impact, we leave no wave unturned in our quest for understanding.

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