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Forecasting The 10 European Countries Poised For The Greatest Reduction in Local Population by 2100

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84 Aufrufe


Two European countries will see their local population halved by 2100 if things continue as they are. Some will see their local population increasingly replaced by immigrants. This is the scenario hypothesized by EUROSTAT for 2100. According to EUROSTAT, these are the fastest dying European countries, those that will see the greatest decrease in their local population without counting immigrants. Of course, these are forecasts, and so they may well change. However, they are useful for seeing what Europe could be like in the future if things continue this way. In this video, we will see which are the 10 European countries that will undergo the greatest reduction in local population by 2100. As these are EUROSTAT forecasts, only countries in the European Union and three of the four European Free Trade Association countries are considered. In the Final Bonus we will also take a look at the United Kingdom. Welcome to this new video from Amazing Europe: "Forecasting The 10 European Countries Poised For The Greatest Reduction in Local Population by 2100".
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00:00 Intro
00:48 Number 10
01:54 Number 9
03:07 Number 8
04:29 Number 7
05:32 Number 6
06:43 Number 5
07:39 Number 4
08:43 Number 3
09:39 Number 2
10:54 Number 1
12:42 What about UK?

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