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What Did Soviet Soldiers Do With German Women?

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126 Aufrufe


The year is 1945. Berlin, once a gleaming symbol of Nazi power, lies in ruins. Months of relentless bombing campaigns by Allied forces have reduced vast swathes of the city to smoldering rubble. The once-proud German military, its delusional promises shattered by reality, crumbles in the face of the inevitable Soviet onslaught.
Amidst the deafening roar of artillery fire and the ever-present smoke, German women navigate a world turned upside down. Their husbands, fathers, and sons, sent off with promises of glory and a swift victory, are now either dead, missing, or returning as broken shells of the men they once knew. The societal structures that dictated their lives - the staunchly patriarchal Nazi regime - are disintegrating around them, leaving a vacuum of authority and a chilling uncertainty about the future, with their fate, in the hands of the red army...
00:00 What Happened To German Women?
01:04 After The Fall: Survival In A Ruined City
05:07 Cry Of Fear : The Horrible Fate Of German Women
10:08 Tragedy of War : Harrowing Accounts Of Red Army Victims
22:55 Rescue or More Suffering? : German Women in the Hands of the Western Allies

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