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How the US wages economic war on countries all around the world

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31 Aufrufe


The United States government has imposed sanctions on more than one-third of countries on Earth, including over 60% of poor countries. Ben Norton documents how Washington's economic warfare is deadly in nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It is also fragmenting the global financial system, as China and Russia create alternatives.
0:00 USA has sanctions on 1/3rd of world
1:44 "Targeted" sanctions are a myth
3:16 Washington Post admits US is waging economic warfare worldwide
8:56 100,000+ Venezuelans died from US sanctions
10:50 Goal of US sanctions: "hunger, desperation and overthrow of government"
13:39 US government compares itself to Darth Vader
14:46 OFAC director sings, "Every little thing we do is sanctions"
16:05 Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died from US-led Western sanctions
20:32 (CLIP) Madeleine Albright on Iraq mass deaths: "the price is worth it"
21:08 60% of poor countries face US sanctions
22:01 US dollar dictatorship and financial hegemony
24:13 Donald Trump's war on Venezuela
25:16 "Sanction everybody and their sister"
25:54 Boomerang of US sanctions: China, Russia, BRICS create alternatives
30:08 Russia re-industrializes, its economy grows rapidly
34:10 Too big to sanction - Is this the limit?
37:01 Outro

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