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Mexico’s $4.5 BILLION Plan for The World's Largest Canal

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Mexico’s $4.5 BILLION Plan for The World's Largest Canal

For over a century, the Panama Canal has helped empower global trade, as there is arguably no other way to transport goods from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. But now, change is on the horizon, as Mexico is about to open a new project: the interoceanic corridor of the isthmus of Tehuantepec. That is quite a mouthful of words, we know, but what exactly is this? And how exactly will it change the future of ocean travel? Join us as we explore Mexico’s 4.5 billion-dollar Panama Canal rival.

Before we dive into the Mexican interoceanic corridor, let us first address the Panama Canal, along with the Suez Canal. It is probably the most famous artificial waterway on the face of the earth. it cuts through the isthmus of Panama.

It is not every day one gets to come across the word Isthmus, so we will be explaining its meaning. An isthmus is a strip of land that connects two larger land masses. The Isthmus of Panama links North America to South America, with both the Atlantic and Pacific on either side. The isthmus is about 65 kilometers wide. That happens to also be the length of the Panama Canal, which is relatively short.

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