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Living Decades on the Water - Now Forced to Shore

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31 Aufrufe


The Anchor-Outs and their boats are being forced off of Richardson Bay. Many of them have lived there for decades.
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People have lived on boats anchored in Richardson Bay for decades. This arm of San Francisco Bay has a long maritime history, and is famous for the houseboats that line the shores of Sausalito.

In recent years local government agencies have been imposing a 72 hour anchoring rule, and removing boats from the bay. In some cases this led the boatowners to become homeless.

At one point there were over 200 boats anchored in the bay, but now only 30 remain, the last remnants of this unique community.

As part of the effort to remove the anchor-outs a new eelgrass protection zone was created. The boats have until October 15, 2024 to move their boats from this area.

As the remaining live-aboards weigh their options, they recount some of their struggles in this video.

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