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David Icke: "You're NOT Prepared for What's Coming in 2025"

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The notion that a powerful group of really powerful and wealthy individuals controls the world is often chalked up by the media as nothing but laughable conspiracy theories. But if the past few years have taught us anything, it is that most conspiracy theories are facts that have not yet been proven. We must ask ourselves, if the world is not controlled by the ultra-rich and powerful, why do they get away with a lot of heinous crimes while dictating how everyone must think and what they should think about? In one of his many interviews, public speaker and former sports broadcaster David Icke discussed the wide margin between freedom of speech and the freedom to conform to what’s deemed acceptable to the ultra-rich and powerful. According to Icke, the world does not have freedom of speech today; what we have is the freedom to conform. The freedom to conform to what the ruling class deems acceptable, whether such goes against your personal principles or not.
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Credit: Rob Moore
David Icke on Free Speech & Who Controls the World

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